2024 Player Award Nominations

2024 Player Award Nominations

2024 ISCA Award Nomination Information

2024 AWARD NOMINATIONS - Will Open September 23rd

2024 Award Nominations Are Now Closed

All-District Nominations, All-Academic Nominations & Top Team Player Nomination Information


Nominate players for All-District by 11:55pm on Monday, October 14th. 

Player nominations for Academic All-State & Top Team Player are due by 11:55pm on Monday, October 21st.  

* Only 2024 ISCA member coaches are allowed to nominate players for any of the three awards. If a non-member coach nominates any players for an award, the nomination will be pulled.


Important Information & Answers to Common Registration Questions:

* Only coaches are “households” in our system. We are a coaches organization. Our coaches are the participants / “household,” not players. Do not register players as “households" or as "Participants."

* Do not register each nominated player separately or as a separate household. All District Nominations, Top Team Player & all All-Academic players should each be on one form with you as the “household.” You will complete up to 3 total forms.

* In this context, “Register a Participant” really means complete the award nomination with you as the head coach. We know that can be confusing, but the coaches are the participants - NOT the players.

* You may want to wait until after the all-district meetings to name your Top Team Player. Please do not ask to change your Top Team Player at a later time.

* You can only complete nominates for each award once, so be prepared before submitting.

* Contact Phil Schmidt at pschmidt@hse.k12.in.us with questions, however, please do not ask him to verify your nominations. You will get an automatic confirmation e-mail if everything was submitted correctly. Your confirmation e-mail will confirm you submitted the form, it does not provide you with the list of players you nominated. You may want to print or screenshot your nomination list, but we have never had issues with completed nominations.

Steps to ISCA Award Nominations…

Go To: 2024 Award Nominations Link (awards will open Monday, September 23rd)

· Click “Sign in To Begin Registration”

· Log In to Your Household (only coaches are Households, not players!)

· Select Award from Drop Down Menu & Click “Continue”

· Complete Form & Click “Save & Continue”

· Review Registration & Click “Continue”

· Two Options:

o “Register Another Participant” (again players are not participants in our organization!)

§ This will allow you to complete your nomination for a different award.

§ DO NOT CREATE A SEPARATE AWARD NOMINATION FOR EACH PLAYER. You will complete 3 total forms (1 for each award)

o “No, Proceed to Checkout”

§ This will allow you to complete your nomination(s)

· Review Order & Click “Proceed to Checkout”

· Click “Submit Order” (the cost is $0, but you still must click SUBMIT ORDER)

· You will get a confirmation e-mail if you completed all the steps.

o Your confirmation e-mail will confirm you submitted the form, it does not provide you with the list of players you nominated. You may want to print or screenshot your nomination list, but we have never had issues with completed nominations. If you don't receive the confirmation e-mail (sent to your Household e-mail), then you didn't submit the order or you had a typo in your e-mail address.

Award Information:

All-District Nominations

Each member coach who attends the district meeting is able to nominate players for all-district consideration .  Nominated players are voted on at the district meeting to determine 1st and 2nd team all-district.  Only players earning 1st team all-district honors will be considered for all-state.  Coaches should nominate players who they believe are among the best in their district.  Coaches are allowed to nominate no more than 6 players.  


Top Team Player:

Each coach is able to nominate 1 player as their ISCA Top Team Player each season.  Player can be from any grade with criteria left up to each member coach.  


Academic All-State Information:

The Criteria for inclusion on this team are:
- Player must be in their Junior or Senior year
- Player must maintain:
   3.7 or better (4.0 scale) for Seniors & Juniors
- These Standards are accumulative, not just 1st Quarter of this year
- Players must be Varsity rostered.
- Players DO NOT have to be starters however they should be regular contributors in your matches